ARISE meetings
Thanks to the ARISE support by the French MRSEI ANR program, the following ARISE meetings were organized to ensure the project continuation:
- January 24-25, 2019 : Paris (France), organized by Versailles University (UVSQ) and CEA
- April 10, 2019 Vienna (Austria) during the EGU2019 meeting
- June 5-6, 2019 Budapest (Hungaria) organized by CSFK
- September 10-11 Paris (France) organized by Versailles University (UVSQ) and CEA
ARISE2 General Assembly meeting Hamburg general assembly and workshop

The final ARISE2 workshop was hosted by BGR in Hamburg from 14 to 17 May 2018. The event attracted 43 registered attendees. During the first days of the workshop, scientific presentations highlighted ARISE2 and related research, services and impacts in relation to ARISE2. The workshop was followed by a General Assembly meeting. WP presentations were given by WP leaders along with a demonstration of the ARISE2 portal. The final morning was focused on the ARISE strategy.
ARISE2 Workshop and GRIF-RUN 2017

Geophysical Research Infrastructures Forum Reunion Island 2-6 October 2017
During the first day, scientific presentations
highlighted ARISE2 and related research, services and
impacts in relation to ARISE2.The day was concluded with
a demonstration of the ARISE portal and management
The second day was dedicated to presentations for the
press, the general public and non-specialist students.
It was concluded with a ARISE splinter session about WP
risks, needed reorientations and the value of collocated
infrasound and lidar instruments.
The third day was dedicated to a session about strategy
and opportunities for collaboration with Reunion Island.
The opportunities offered by some relevant calls for
proposal were discussed. It was concluded by a ARISE2
strategy session.
Results presented cover areas as diverse as atmospheric
dynamics, prototype development and data portal
demonstration, procedures for future data assimilation
in weather and climate models and the use of ARISE data
for civil applications such as remote volcano
ARISE2 Prague workshop, Czech Republic, 6-10 March 2017

During the first two days, scientific presentations highlighted research, services and impacts in relation to ARISE2. The third day focused on the strategy for the next steps of the ARISE infrastructure, reporting, and Advisory Board feedback. The fourth day summarised work package progress, work plans, and risk analysis. Finally, the fifth morning was dedicated to thematic working sessions.
This third workshop of the ARISE2 Design Study was organised at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Prague. The workshop attracted 41 participants. |
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More information:
ARISE2 Andoya workshop, Norway, 5-9 September, 2016
The workshop was organized by Andoya Space Center. During the first three days, scientific presentations highlighted research, services and impacts in relation to ARISE2. The fourth day focused on work package progress, work plans, risk analysis, strategy, managerial issues and next steps. Finally, the fifth morning was dedicated to thematic working sessions for WP3 (prototypes and big data), 4 (data standards) and 7 (ARISE data centre).
This second workshop of the ARISE2 Design Study was organised at Andoya Space Center, located within the Arctic Circle in Norway. The workshop attracted 34 participants. |
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ARISE2 Kick-off meeting, Collioure, France, 5-9 October, 2015

Organized by CEA, the kick-off meeting of ARISE2 attracted about 46 participants. It was held at Collioure, a lovely coastal town in south of France, 20 kilometers from Spain, on 5-9 Oct 2015.
Topics addressed during the meeting:
- Observations of the middle and upper atmosphere for the initialization of model forecasts
- Observations of gravity wave parameters
- Monitoring of climate-related phenomena
- Perturbations of the atmosphere-ionosphere induced by thunderstorms
- Data use to understand better the extreme events
- Civil security application on extreme events
- ARISE work plans & strategy
More information: ARISE2 Kick-off Meeting
Final ARISE meeting, Grainau, Germany, 1-5 December 2014

The final ARISE meeting was organized by the DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt) and took place at Grainau (Germany) located near the mountain Zugspitze and the city of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. DLR organized an exiting visit at the Earth Observation Center (2650 m) located on the mountain Zugspitze and presented there innovative technologies in the context of atmospheric and climate research.
The workshop covered the main themes of the ARISE program. Participants from all ARISE1 institutes attended the meeting. Among the invited scientists, Chaim Garfinkel (Univ. Baltimore, USA) presented the effect of tropospheric jet latitude on the coupling between the stratospheric polar vortex and the troposphere; Douglas Drob (US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, USA) presented studies on the monitoring of high-altitude winds using infrasound and on the use of global circulation models to quantify the coupling between the lower, middle, upper atmosphere, and ionosphere, Geir Braathen presented stratospheric observations in WMO's Global Atmosphere Watch Programme (GAW), in the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) and in the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC).
More Information: Grainau Meeting
Second ARISE workshop, Florence, Italy, 25-28 March 2014

The 2nd ARISE meeting was organized by the University of Florence, Italy and took place at Villa La Quiete, in the neighbourhood of Florence.
The workshop covered the main themes of the ARISE program:
- The monitoring technologies for the middle atmosphere, which make up ARISE (Infrasound, LIDAR, airglow, and the recent contribution of wind radiometers)
- The use of technologies for the monitoring of extreme events and of atmospheric disturbances
- The use of technologies for numerical weather prediction and climate simulation
- Gravity waves: theory and numerical simulations by global or mesoscale models
More Information: UNIFI website
ARISE training school, 3-5 June 2013 at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (France)

The ARISE training school was held at Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP), France from 3-5 June 2013.
The goal of the training School was to provide information to scientists interested in the large potential of the new ARISE infrastructure, as well as train new teams interested in the installation of stations in their countries.
73 participants from the global scientist community attended to the training School: lectures as well as hands-on exercises and visits to instrument sites were organized in enthusiastic atmosphere. There were daily poster sessions mixed with the oral sessions and best posters were awarded during the gala dinner.
More Information: BIRA-IASB website
First ARISE Workshop,18-21 September 2012 at Reading (UK)

The first ARISE Workshop was held at the University of Reading near London, UK.
The workshop explored several themes:
- The three novel monitoring technologies for the middle atmosphere which make up ARISE (Infrasound, LIDAR and airglow observations)
- How these technologies can be used in concert?
- The use of the three technologies to monitor extreme events in the Earth system
- The use of the technologies for numerical weather prediction and for climate simulation
- The design and maintainance of a network made up of the three technologies
The workshop had a mixed format with invited and submitted oral presentations, submitted poster presentations and significant amounts of time set aside for discussion in small break-out groups.
In addition, invited talks were given by:
- Ted Shepherd (University of Reading)
- Anu Dudhia (Oxford University)
- Milton Garces (Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology)
More Information: Reading website
ARISE Kickoff Meeting, Les Vaux de Cernay, France, 9-11 January 2012

The ARISE Kickoff Meeting was held at the Vaux de Cernay Abbaye near southern Paris in France, on 9-11 Jan 2012.
The aims of this meeting was:
- to start collaboration between the different groups
- to precise the work to be performed in the different work packages
- to define the measurement campaigns and start campaign organization
- to precise priorities and define the work schedule for the project deliverables
- to discuss next project meetings
- to discuss ARISE strategy
More Information: |
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More information: BIRA-IASB website